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CP HIGH IMPACT EVENTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE Joining forces to mitigate the impact of natural disasters

High Impact Events and Climate Change

There is growing awareness that climate change cannot solely be considered as a “mean state modification. The impacts of climate change are closely tied to regional and local conditions. Changes in the characteristics, frequency, and severity of extreme weather events are amongst the most significant aspects of climate change. To understand and predict such events, which are typically responsible for the most disastrous climate impacts, is of paramount importance. Not all extremes lead to high impacts. However, high impact events are conditioned based on the exposure and vulnerability of particular regions or locations. Different types of extremes, e.g. droughts and extreme precipitation, might be associated with different regions.

This Collaborative Programme examines how high impact events work, how they can be simulated accurately in numerical models and how we might be able to project future changes reliably, highlighting the important regional differences regarding their impacts. As such, high resolution climate and impact modelling as well as downscaling with different methodologies are among the key issues. The CP further focuses on climate risk analysis, vulnerability and adaptation.

We work based on a list of science topics. The science topics can be adjusted and allow flexible participation of ECRA and non-ECRA partners. The general strategy starts from fundamental physical concepts, continues via process understanding and goes towards the best possible numerical simulations of the global and regional changes of extreme events, including composition-climate interactions, feedback and impacts.

CP HIE Key Topics

The approach assesses past and future events using data and models. It projects changes and impacts using high-resolution scenarios. It tailors information and services to scales and needs using downscaling and co-creation.

Collaboration – Projects / Initiatives

Co-creating climate services with users: Climate risk analysis, vulnerability and adaptation



The CP HIE has a White Paper containing
information on the CP’s general scope, activities
and an implementation plan. The current White
Paper from 2014 (Working document) is available
for download


An Introduction Brochure to the Collaborative
Programme has been published in March 2015 and
is available for download here (pdf).


A Factsneet presenting key issues as well as
recommendations for research orionties 105202t
and bevors was prepared onsckas General
Assembly 2017. It is available for download here.


The CP HIE has organised three Workshops so far and two joint Workshops together with the CP
Changes in the Hydrological Cycle.

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High Impact Events Workshops

The Collaborative Programme High Impact Events has organised three workshops until now.

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Pilot Workshop High Impact Events and Climate Change

The Cambridge workshop was held 14-15 June 2012 at “The Cambridge Belly” in Cambourne, near Cambridge.

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2nd Workshop High Impact Events and Climate Change

The 2nd workshop was held 3-4 June 2013 in Bergen, Norway.

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3rd Workshop High Impact Events and Climate Change

The 3rd workshop was held 2-3 June 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Coordination This Collaborative Programme is coordinated by:

Hilppa Gregow

Finnish Meteorological Institute


Martin Drews

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
